These teachers are more able to “think on their feet.” By consistently monitoring the effect they are having on the students, they can be more flexible and improvisational with their lessons
Preschool education is not just about art, music, dance, fun and fantasy. A good preschool program ensures setting comprehensive learning objectives and having a structured way to achieve these goals in the child considering that every child is special, different and an individual in his/her own right. A quality preschool program revolves around the child. The 4 major components that are instrumental in shaping the learning of the child in school are.
Kannada Rajyothsava celebration.
15 to 30 April 2024.. Drawing, Craft, Gardening, Dance, Sports, Pebble art, Calligraphy, Games and more..
Republic Day was celebrated in all its solemnity and grandeur at Ambegaalu Pre School Bengaluru . The students,teachers and parents saluted the National Flag and pledged themselves to upholding the honour, integrity, diversity and uniqueness of our great nation -India.
These teachers are more able to “think on their feet.” By consistently monitoring the effect they are having on the students, they can be more flexible and improvisational with their lessons
Learning with the help of movements of body and realising the benefits at mental level. It simply means education through the use of physique and physical movements and deriving the advantage for social gain..
Intellectual means involving a person's ability to think and to understand ideas and information. High levels of lead could damage the intellectual development of children.
Language learning is an active process that begins at birth and continues throughout life. Students learn language as they use it to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, establish relationships with family members and friends, and strive to make sense and order of their world.
Creativity is the ability to think about a task or a problem in a new or different way, or the ability to use the imagination to generate new ideas.
Broadly speaking, social and emotional learning (SEL) refers to the process through which individuals learn and apply a set of social, emotional, and related skills, attitudes, behaviors, and values that help direct students. This includes thoughts, feelings, and actions in ways that enable them to succeed in school..